We are very proud to release the New Black-tail Betty and the Elk Ass-assin decoys. With over two years of field research and R & D, we have two more deadly decoys for you to play with. While testing these products we have come to the conclusion that eliminating the human silhouette is the ultimate weapon. It is about transforming the human silhouette into a non-threatening shape that the animals are used to seeing and that is supposed to move.
Not a camo bush that moves – with camo, you are concealed and forced to remain still. If you move, your stalk is blown. We are proud to offer the only tool on the market thatallows movement. Where imitating the animal you are stalking is encouraged. Through these blogs we hope to give you insight on how to use our products. To let you know what works out in the field, along with tips and tactics for you to use and better prepare you for a successful harvest .
More to come soon!